Im just a guy that evolved from a fly but i dont know why i cry :-} - YouTube.com/BunnyTrialPro - - FaceBook.com/MindOfEbunnie - - Xblc.T83.Net - - Xboxlive gamertag: Ebunnie -

Cody Drown @ebunnie

Age 33, Male

Website Admin

Deltona, Florida, USA

Joined on 10/27/07

Exp Points:
1,910 / 2,180
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Vote Power:
5.57 votes
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ebunnie's News

Posted by ebunnie - January 30th, 2018

life is full of ups and downs, in the last year ive learned so much, i learned to love and felt like what is like to have my heart torn open by the woman i would have done anything for. i learned to become a man and handle my own, and as a bonus i went from 320 pounds down to 230 i am now 26 and i feel like im in the greatest shape of my life  
here to a good 20182179706_151735749531_n.jpg

Posted by ebunnie - December 30th, 2016

Well time for my yearly posting again lol. 
been quite the year for clebrity deaths, really gonna miss david bowie the most. 
picked up a few new skills this year in video editing,

who woulda guessed trumps dumbass coulda gotten elected, as us president 
i would have preffered bernie sanders personally but shillary stole that

also gained a following of 10k likes on my face book page:  https://www.facebook.com/mindofebunnie/

be sure to check out my youtube channel aswell: https://www.youtube.com/user/BunnyTrailPro/videos


Posted by ebunnie - December 31st, 2015

Murica!!! Fuck yeah ! ! ! !  ! ! !! ! !! !! ! !  420 blaze it fergons 

Posted by ebunnie - June 12th, 2015

My Cat butterz is my Beastest Fraind EVARRRRRR!!!!!!  Meow Meow Mother Fucker :-}Ebuinnie 


Posted by ebunnie - March 24th, 2015

 there is too much music and knowledge in the world to ever be bored
Humble yourself and begin your endless journey already there is much to explore  :-}Ebunnie 2179706_142720467233_n.jpg

Posted by ebunnie - January 26th, 2014

Man its been a long time since i posted on here, 

My name is Ebunnie, i am a music and film enthusiast, and consider myself a cinematographer on one level or another, I am an "Overlord" of the xbox live clan "The xbox live coalition", i have my own small time production group on youtube "BunnyTrailPro", and i also Admin a politically motivated page for "Awakened" people on facebook called "Mind Of Ebunnie", i have been on the internet scene for the better half of my life,it all started with xbox live and halo 2, 2006, i have expereinced alot of crazy things the rise and fall of entire 100+ person communities in mere months sometimes weeks,Virtual "Cold wars" by threat of "Shell booters", sleep overs and dance parties in xbox lives clans that were funner than some of the adventures i have had with my real life friends, i also have met some of the craziest and interesting people the internet has to offer, Hackers, scumbags,thugs,friends,brothers,enemies and rivals i created bonds that were like families all through the internet, and i look forwards to geting to know and experence even more, the internet and the world is limitless. 

I am just an Agnostic Atheist, who believes in the human race loving each other for who we are and also legalizing the god damn marijuana,  feel free to message me on any of my sites/Extentions, i am always interested in meeting people who are capable of logical thought and apretiation for the finer things in life,


My facebook page: Mind of ebunnie:  www.facebook.com/mindofebunnie

My Youtube Channel: BunnyTrailPro:  www.youtube.com/BunnyTrailPro

My Clan: The Xbox Live Coalition:  xblc.t83.net

The last post i had on here was from when i was 15, i am now 22 years old, born 1992 

Here is a picture of me a few months ago before i went into battle in an "AirSoft" war. 

The gun is a CYMA Ak-74u with a fullmetal/wood body{i have digital camo pattern tape on it}


Posted by ebunnie - January 16th, 2008

well i am Ebunnie my real name is cody j drown i spend most my time on xbox Live and i have my own website Xblc.net stop by it some time and check out our forums oh and you see my current pic thats me now the pic i attached is when i had long hair (snifL snifL) i miss my long hair i had to cut it to get a job so it was a win loose situation

a little about me